How to learn and speak french

Speaking and Learning french is not very easy but not an impossible. You can get HOW TO LEARN AND SPEAK FRENCH AT HOME

French its not toughest language in the world and much relevant to English. If you want to learn french better option will be learn English first. Learning language is best option to practice and practice. As you heard practice makes perfect. 

We also suggest to get admission as well in any french learning classes if you want to learn french fast. There you can get atmosphere where you can speak and practice. 

We are gonna share some step by step you to learn "How to speak french easily". Follow the same-

1. With some research with out team we will suggest to you the you have to learn at-least 30 to 40 words in a day. So add this in your habit learn daily 30 words on home. But give the rest for two days in a week as well.  

How to learn and speak french
How to learn and speak french

2.  And now who's 30 words you memorize you pronunciations daily by books by internet or any other help there is lot of resources to do it. On the internet you could play quiz game to make your vocabulary strong.

How to learn and speak french
How to learn and speak french

3. Now start use that words which you memorized in normal day and start read and write in french also do the practice. You can also start this with a children's book of french.

How to learn and speak french
How to learn and speak french

4. Make habit to listen musics and news in french language, Yes its very hard and you would want to keep away from this but don't give up try it in your daily routine.

How to learn and speak french
How to learn and speak french

5. Now start to speaking in french. You can stand in front of mirror or bathrooms start to speaks basics words. And find the friends who can speak french with you on social media and few more apps available in market where you can easily connect and chat with foreigners free.   

How to learn and speak french
How to learn and speak french

6. Learn the greetings words in french and use with your friends,  you can easily find these word on goggle.

How to learn and speak french
How to learn and speak french

How to learn and speak french
How to learn and speak french

7.  Now go and Learn how to ask anyone for help example in french for example 'Could you please speak slowly' Convert this word in google translate into french and practice the same. 

Always trying to find new ways of learning. Taking the helps who are master in this field. Don't shy in starting we all do the mistakes. But after few time we learn this its depend upon your practice and your atmosphere.

Don't need to remember or learn too many vocabulary in French in starting. Only find which word you need to speak on daily basis. After some time automatic your vocabulary getting strong gradually.