how to start wordpress blog

Todays blogs will be very popular on the internet so questions is HOW TO START WORDPRESS  BLOG basics. I am showing you only basics.

1. First of all open browser search wordpress and open wordpress site and click "CREATE WEBSITES
how to start wordpress blog

2. It will ask you email id you can give gmail account give user name password and Blog address 
how to start a wordpress blog website

3. Click on Confirm Email address 
how to start a wordpress blog youtube

4. GO your email id and confirm email address After confirmations you login a wordpress sites choose a theme many themes a free and you can buy 
templates image

5. After selections your templates then go to setting and click on General
how to start a wordpress blog

6.  Click the reading button left side in menu and check the search engine visibility and save changes
how to start wordpress step by step

7.  Now Click on new button and  write your blog title and insert pictures videos  after complete your blog post it 
how to start blog